Sleaford Striders help to organise a number of fun runs as part of the Heckington 8 Sail Saunter and Striders Summer 10k. Fun runs are open to everyone simply wishing to take part and have a go (affiliated or non-affiliated runners welcome). No pre-booking is required as you can simply sign up on the day.  

The Striders Summer 3K Family Fun Run is an evening race which takes place in village of Scredington. In addition to the race, there is also a junior bake off competition. This event normally takes place in August. 

For more information, visit the official Sleaford Half & Summer 10k website here

On the Saturday afternoon at the annual Heckington Show (July), Striders help to host a number of youth athletics events in the main ring (a grass track race) for athletes age 11-15 years. There are separate races for boys and girls for the following distances:

U13 800m Race

U15 1500m Race

These races normally take place as part of the afternoon events (following the Adult 10 mile road race and grass track cycle events). Entry is done on the day, but please note that there is also an entry fee to get into the show.